The Institution is totally ragging free campus. It has a vigilant Anti-ragging committee which is constituted to prevent ragging and to take anti-ragging measures in accordance with the guide lines issued by the Supreme Court of India and UGC. As Per the Tamil Nadu Prohibition of Ragging Act 1997, any student found directly or indirectly committing or participating in ragging or abetting / propagating ragging inside or outside the college shall be liable for Two year Imprisonment, Fine to the tune of Rs 2.5 Lakhs, Dismissal from college and shall not be admitted in any other Educational Institution. The Cell will educate the students about the menace of Ragging and related Punishments there to. One of the precautionary measures adopted by our institution to curb ragging includes submission of undertaking by all students and their parents at the time of admission, taking oath not to indulge in ragging and positive reinforcement activities. In case of any ragging incident, the students may immediately bring it to the notice of the members of the Anti-Ragging Cell for necessary help and guidance.
S. No | Name of the Faculty | Role | Phone Number |
1 | Dr S Palaniammal Principal |
Chairman | 9894735577 |
2 | Dr S Nareshkumar HoD – Mathematics |
Coordinator | 9894101110 |
3 | Dr P S.Chandni HoD – BCom |
Staff Member | 8778097086 |
4 | Dr S Selvanayaki HoD – Tamil |
Staff Member | 9791306607 |
5 | Dr M Maheshkumar HoD- BCom CA |
Staff Member | 7012688310 |
6 | Mr G Susruthan AP / Psychology |
Staff Member | 6369473432 |
7 | Mr J Nitheesh AP / English , NCC Officer |
Staff Member | 9597106928 |
8 | Dr S Thilagavathi AP / Computer Science |
Staff Member | 9344798479 |
9 | Dr V Sridevi AP / BCom IT |
Staff Member | 9942668620 |
10 | The Sub Inspector Madukkarai Police Station Madukkarai |
Police Member | 7010164030 |
11 | Mr Rafi Ahmed Press & Media – Trinity Mirror |
Press Member | 9245273224 |
12 | B Bhavankumar III BCom PA | Student Member | —- |
13 | Ms.S.Sowganthika III BSc Psychology |
Student Member | —- |
14 | S V Maanasa – III BCom A | Student Member | —- |
15 | Mr M.Satheeshkumar II BCom CA A |
Student Member | —- |
16 | S Kavyashree – II BSc CS A | Student Member | —- |
17 | S G Dharshan – II BSc CT ‘B’ | Student Member | —- |
18 | R Kushi – II BBA | Student Member | —- |
19 | B Elango – I BSC IT ‘A’ | Student Member | —- |
20 | M Pranav – I BCom CS | Student Member | —- |
21 | S Kaushik – I BSC DS ‘B’ | Student Member | —- |
22 | R Vijay Paul – I BSC AIML | Student Member | —- |
23 | Ms S Sivapriya II MCom |
Student Member | —- |
24 | Mr N Narayanasamy F/O N Keerthana I BCom PA |
Parent Member | —- |
25 | Ms K Bhuvanwasri M/O M. Mythili II BSc CS ‘A’ |
Parent member | —- |
Affidavit Registration