Smt. S. Malarvizhi
Chairperson and Managing Trustee
Smt. S. Malarvizhi, Chairperson and Managing Trustee of Sri Krishna Institutions, is an eminent educationalist inspiring the young minds with her rich academic experience and leads the college towards excellence in all spheres. She epitomizes women empowerment and the guiding force behind the awe inspiring growth that Sri Krishna Institutions have attained over the years.
She was the Member of Syndicate of the prestigious Anna University which governs approximately 550 Engineering Colleges in the state of Tamilnadu during the period 2012 – 2015. She is a social worker, founder convener of Indian Women Network of Coimbatore Chapter of Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) and has been the Co-chair of a National Conference on Higher Education organized by CII held at Coimbatore.
She is a Vice-President of Tamilnadu Athletic Association, Chennai and Member of Coimbatore District Sports Council. She is a recipient of EDUICON Award for the two consecutive years 2016 and 2017, constituted by Times of India Group, for her outstanding contributions in the field of education and Life Time Achievement Award 2017 for Education, awarded by ASSOCHAM- New Delhi and Lifetime Achiever Award 2018 by News7 Channel. She is also a Management Committee Member EPSI-New Delhi and Education Panel Member, Tamilnadu State Council, FICCI.
Under her stewardship, over 4,000 students are placed in Multi-National Companies every year in Campus Recruitment. She is a “Leader with a Heart” and helps a lot for underprivileged children. Her ambition is ‘Every child should be imparted with proper education’.