DESIGNATION : Assistant Professor
QUALIFICATION : MCA., M.Phil., Ph.D (pursing)
DEPARTMENT : Computer Applications
Mrs.K.BRINDHA., M.C.A. M.Phil.,Ph.D(pursuing), Assistant Professor,Dept of Computer Applications, has 12 years of experience in teaching and research. She has been conferred with the Degree of Philosophy in Computer Sciencein Bharathidasan University in the year 2008.
She has published 13 research papers in reputed peer reviewed journals and her area of specialization is Data Mining and Bigdata Analytics. With her prominent 9 years of research experience, she has produced 7M.Phil.,scholars. She enriched her teaching technique through attending more than 6 Faculty Development Programs and 5 workshops organized by various institutions and she has also organized many workshops,seminars and guest lectures for students.
1. | International journals | 4 |
2. | National journals | 9 |
3. | Webinar count (attended) | 10 |
4. | Seminar and workshop count (organised) | 6 |
5. | Online courses attended | 3 |
6. | Workshop attended | 2 |
7. | FDP count | 6 |
8. | Professional membership | 1 |
9. | International level | 4 |
10. | National level | 9 |
11. | State level | 1 |
Training Attended:
- Introduction to Big Data Analytics and Tools – FDP –-ICT ACADEMY- August 2017 ,Karpagam College of Engg & Technology, Coimbatore.
- Induction programme for college teachers – November 2009, UGC Academic Staff College – Bharathiar University,Coimbatore.
- National level Seminar on Recent Trends in Information Technology-March 2008 Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya CAS, Coimbatore.
- Finishing School Programme – May 2008 – Dept. of Extension & Career Guidance BharathiarUniversity & Coimbatore Institute of Management & Technology, Coimbatore.
- ” Randomized Geographic Routing with Guaranteed Delivery and Low Stretch”, paper ID: 21091304, IJSR,Volume 2 Issue 10,October 2013,ISSN:2319-7064.
- ” Data Mining Based on Principal Component Analysis for Rainfall Forecasting in India”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJAR) Vol. 3, Issue. 9.
- ” EDCD Method for Discovering Connectivity Disruption in WSN”, ISSN: 2319-7064, paper ID:25111301,Volume 2 Issue 11,November 2013, IJSR.
- ” PSO Based Entropy Optimized Bow for Information Retrieval”,Volume 3 Issue 11, 2016, ISSN: 2348-3121, IJMTES.
- ” A Survey on End-To-End Multiservice Delivery”, International Journal for Research in Science Engineering & Technology, ISSN 2394-739X November 2016.Volume 3, Issue 11 Pages: 68-74.
- “End-To-End Multiservice Delivery in Selfish Wireless Networks Under Distributed Node –Selfishness Management”
- “, International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2455-9091. Volume 2, Issue 5 – November 2016.Pages: 55-64.
- ” REAS-Robust and Efficient Authentication Scheme for Secure Healthcare System in Body Area Network”, in IJARCCE, Volume 6, Issue 11, November 2017.
- ” Genetic Algorithm Based Text Categorization Using K-NN Method”,Volume 5 Issue 2 – 2017, IJCST, ISSN: 2347- 8578.
- ” Technologies of Network Security” In JETIR ISSN UGC Approved (Journal No: 63975) & 5.87 Impact Factor Published in Volume 6 Issue 6, October-2019 | Date of Publication: 2019-10-22
- “NanoTechnology and Manipulation of Nano Meter in Digital Aspects” in InternationalJournal of Research in IT and Management on February 2020 ,ISSN :2231- 4334,Volume 10,Issue 02.
- “Study on Cyber Security towards issues of Cyber Threats and Challenges” in International Journal of Research in IT and Management on January 2020 , ISSN:2231-4334,Volume 10,Issue 01.
- “E-Voting towards Secured Block chain” in International Journal of Research in ITand Management on March 2020 ,ISSN:2231-4334,Volume 10,Issue 03.
- “Mammogram Pre Processing and Data Manipulation using Novel Threshold BasedPre Reduction Technique” in International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-6, March 2020.
Paper presentation:
- Brindha, Asst.Professor,Dept of IT & CA presented a paper entitled “5G Wireless Technology” in Technomanzer’19 organized by SNMV college of Arts & Science onFebruary 7,2019.
Workshop Attended:
- Participated in State Level workshop on “Data Mining Using R Tool” organized by NGM College,Pollachi held on 9.1.20 -10.1.20
- Participated in Open Online National Workshop pn “Fine Tuning Research planning using Elsevier tools,Science Direct,Scopus and Mendeley” organized by K.J.Somaiya college of Science and Commerce in collaboration with Elsevier on 25.4.20
FDP Attended:
- Brindha,Asst.Professor, Dept of BCA has attended Online FDP on ANEFFECTIVE RESEARCH PAPER WRITING SKILL conducted by BhagwanMahavir College of Commerce and Management Studies,Bhagwan Mahavir University,Surat,Gujarat from 13.4.20-16.4.20.
- Brindha,Asst.Professor, Dept of BCA has attended Online International FDP on “Develop the ability to write Research Proposal” organised by Adarsh Institute of Management and Information Technology,Bangalore on 24.4.20.
- Brindha,Asst.Professor, Dept of BCA has attended Online FDP on “Industry 4.0-The New Normal” organised by Edspire Co-ordinator,VETInstitute of Arts and Science, Erode on 1.5.20.
- Brindha, Asst.Professor, Dept of BCA has attended Online FDP on “Recent trends in Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on teaching professionals” School of Business Management,RVS College of Arts & Science,Coimbatore on 22.4.20-24.4.20.
- Brindha, Asst.Professor, Dept of BCA has attended Online FDP onTen Days – Skill Training Programme on “Web Design Course for Entrepreneurship-Phase I ” conducted by Digital Career and Entrepreneurship Hub project of MHRD-BU-RSA Phase –II BEICH,Bharathiar University from 19.10.2020 to 31.10.2020 .
FDP Presented:
- Introduction to Big Data Analytics and R Programming-Sri Jayendra Saraswathy Maha Vidhyalaya college of Arts & Science,2017
- Brindha, Asst.Professor, Dept of BCA has completed online course on Python 3.4.3 organized at Hindustan College of Arts & Science offered by the Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay, funded by National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Govt., of India
- Completed online course on “Blockchain Essentials “in Cognitive class on 17.4.20
- Member in IAENG((Member ID: 249809)
Awards / Honours Agency / Institute Year of Award |
Awarded Certificate of Merit for contribution to College Newsletter, Sri Krishna Adithya College of Arts and Science, 2018 |