Ms. Gnanamani G
DESIGNATION : Assistant Professor
EXPERIENCE : 10 Year 5 Months
DEPARTMENT : B.Com Corporate Secretaryship
Ms.Gnanamani.G completed her M. Com, MBA, M. Phil, DCG, and currently doing her PhD and Cleared NET exam in 2011. She is having 11 years of work experience in teaching and passionate towards her teaching profession. Area of specialization are Accounts, Finance & Entrepreneurship. Apart from teaching profession, she is very much fascinated towards the Art & craft works. Organized many entrepreneurial skills oriented programs for the students.
In research she have produced one M. Phil scholar in the last year (2022). And published papers in national & international journals. Acted as Resource Person for A Webinar on topic, “ Entrepreneurial Venture – A Mind’s Eye” organized by the Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC), Shri Nehru Maha Vidhyalaya College of Arts & Science on 25th November 2021. Attended many seminars, conference and workshops. Also organized many seminars, webinars and workshops where the students were the beneficiaries, most of the time.